
Department Model

Represents a department in Zebreco. These are used to categorise tasks and tickets depending on their relevant dependancies within your organisation.

Examples include, support, development and sales.

Name Type Description
id integer read only The unique id of the Department
name string The name of the Department - required
email string The email of the Department - required
fromname string The from name for emails sent from the Department
code string The code generated for the Department
autorespond boolean Whether or not the Department is set to auto respond
ticketonly boolean Whether or not the Department is set as ticket only
showtoclients boolean Whether or not the Department is shown to clients
isdefault boolean Whether or not the Department is set as default
projectemails boolean

The following fields are only retrieved on GET requests for a single entity.

Name Type Description
street string The street of the Department
area string The area of the Department
city string The city of the Department
county string The county of the Department
postcode string The postcode of the Department
country string The country of the Department
telephone string The telephone of the Department
website string The website of the Department
assignee Contact The Contact assigned to the Department